Total Knee replacements are common elective surgery for people who have been suffering with pain, stiffness, immobility, chronic inflammation, knee deformity and when other treatments have not been beneficial. Arthritis is is the biggest cause for Total knee replacement. Knee surgery was first performed in 1968, since then there have been big changes to the surgery, allowing for more accuracy and making for a quicker recovery time. The decision to have a total knee replacement is ultimately yours but your surgeon will be able to guide you.
What are the benefits of a knee replacement?
You should have reduced pain, allowing you to sleep at night and to be able to improve your walking. Within reason you should be able to return to the activities you love and walk around with ease.

How quick will my recovery be?

You will return home from hospital once your pain is under control and your are able to walk with a mobility aid whether that is crutches or a Zimmer
frame, this can be as early as Day one post operative.
Everyone recovers at different time frames, but you can be guided by a physiotherapist with the progressions of walking and exercises to assist and speed up your recovery. It can take up to 6 weeks to wean off your crutches and 12 months for a full recovery.
When will my swelling reduce?
Swelling is very normal around your knee and this can even go down into your calf and ankle.
It is important in the early stages to elevate your leg throughout the day to assist with swelling. Putting ice on your knee 2-3 times a day for 10-20minutes will also assist with reducing the swelling. You will find that your swelling will decrease with rest and increase the more your walking on it, this is a natural cycle which will reduce over the course of your recovery but can take as long at 3-6 months to reduce.
If you are getting a lot of swelling in your calf and it is red, hot and painful then seek medical advice.
What happens to my scar?
Your wound takes 10-14 days to heal, at this stage if you have had clips these will be removed. Once you have had your wound checked and it is healing well, you will be able to start massaging your scar, this helps to reduce scar tissue formation. If you are unsure of how or when to do this your physiotherapist will be able to guide you.
Physiotherapy starts on Day 1 post operative and if you've been lucky enough you may have had prehab, rehabilitation and strengthening exercises before your surgery. You will be guided through your rehabilitation at the speed that suits you and your new knee. You will be working on knee range of movement, strength, walking progressions and balance work. Exercises initially start with the basics, below are some of my favourite exercises to start with, you can even start these if you are pre operative.
1. Knee Extension Hangs- It is just as an important to get a straight leg as it is the knee bending. You need a straight leg to be able to walk without a limp. Prop your ankle up on some pillows to raise the leg, allowing the knee joint to relax with gravity naturally assisting to straighten it. Not only is this great for the extension but also to assist to reduce the swelling if elevated high enough.
2. Seated Knee flexion- Sitting in a chair using your good leg to hook around the front of your ankle of your newly operated leg, then gradually use your good leg to bend your newly operated leg into flexion, where you feel tightness hold this for 5-10 seconds, or as you can tolerate.
3. Inner Range Quads- In Long sitting on a bed, have a soft ball (or rolled up towel) underneath your knee, whilst keeping your knee in contact with the ball, aim to lift up your heel off the bed, try to hold this for as long as you can. You will notice your quadricep muscle tenses as the heel is raised. Each time you want to aim to increase the endurance of the hold.
Home Visits
If you are unable to leave your home for an appointment because you are struggling with mobility or can't get transport, I offer home visits which takes the stress and hassle away for you. There are many benefits of a home visit, it allows me to see you in your own environment we can problem solve any tricky areas/steps within the home and assist with over coming these obstacles. We can work towards your goals, getting you back to walking and socialising with friends and family.

Tips and Tricks
- Pacing is essential- listen to your body, your knee will let you know if your doing too much through pain and swelling.
- Don’t be afraid to rest- having regular rest periods in the early stages and elevating your leg is essential, your body needs time to recover.
- Don’t compare to other people - everyone recovers at different rates some people slower initially due to pain or swelling but as long as you remain focused and stick with your physiotherapy you should see the same results.
- Use a Rucksack- whether you are using crutches or a Zimmer frame by using a rucksack it allows you to safely carry around items without compromising your balance.
-Complete your exercises! - this is very important, the consultant has done their part now its down to you to continue the hard work to get the optimum recovery.
For more help with rehabilitation pre or post operative of a Total Knee Replacement or any other Orthopaedic surgery please email or call on 07515914019
